Friday, June 10, 2011

6.10.11. 12:21 A.M. 20 Days Out

So on top of everything else, such as my self-observations, this pre-trip journal writing is a sort of exercise in the process of actually sitting still, collecting thoughts, and taking the time to write them down. I find that I am rather enjoying it so far, it forces me to focus and calm down. A good way to wind down from a tiring day.

I created this blog today - hope you like it -  and I found that I had the hardest time settling on a name for it. I had quite a few ideas, all of which sounded as corny as the one before it. I've decided that titles, in general, are corny and do not seem to fit when they are created before the actual content it is supposed to describe. However, the formatting stage of setting up the blog kept taunting me with an expecting "title" written where the title would go, seemingly innocent to the people to the people who didn't have to come up with a befitting title to sum up events that haven't happened yet. Evil. Anyway, I chose "A Taste of India," because, believe it or not, it was the least stupid of what I came up with.

P.S. The background picture is not one that I took.
P.P.S. Apparently, the repeated use of Windex (Professional) on a whiteboard...causes the death of said whiteboard, rendering it utterly useless except for the initial use after the windexing. After which - it is aaaall permanent. Oops.

1 comment:

  1. I love the name, even though it makes me want to ask for a menu and lots of yogurt! I'm so curious about the other names you came up with that were so "corny." Do tell!
